(03) 5428 7888
(03) 5428 6937
18 Station Street
Riddells Creek VIC 3431
Some twelve years ago the company’s abilities were strengthened with the addition of three new directors drawn from the ranks of its’ long serving employees Steven Beshara, Eddie Mueller and Jacob Thomson.
This brought together a wide range of skills with practical hands on experience, professional management and sound financial practices with a combined construction history of over 140 years between the four directors. The company name changed to Raysett Constructions Pty Ltd to reinforce the core of its’ business activities and in June 2012 Ray retired, leaving the company in safe hands for the future.
Thirty-five years commercial construction experience, including estimating, cost planning, contract administration, financial control at project and corporate level on projects up to $70 m, including highrise, offshore and remote works. Previous experience includes office manager at regional office for a Tier Two builder, associate director of a publicly listed building company and member of Master Builders Victoria Contracts Committee. Steven’s responsibilities include estimating, financial and corporate management and supervision of office staff.
Thirty-five years construction experience including civil, domestic, commercial and industrial projects, with management of a direct workforce of forty employees, including clients such as Calder Park Raceway, Royal Women’s Hospital and Shell Petroleum, including offshore works. Eddie’s role is Construction Manager supervising Site Managers and liaising with consultants, clients, staff and subcontractors with overarching responsibility for Occupational Health and Safety and Quality Control.
Forty-five years construction experience starting as a traditional house builder with hands on skills including concreting, bricklaying, carpentry and tiling, but progressing to major commercial and civil works including hi-rise slipform construction, automotive racing and thoroughbred facilities, pylon signage construction and commercial building. Kevin’s role is a Site Manager where his accommodating manner makes him ideal for co-ordinating construction activities in sensitive or time critical environments, such as operating schools or offices and his extensive and practical experience can resolve complex issues whilst finishing to the highest standard.